Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We're going to Ladakh. :)
Preparations are underway..

Here's what a bunch of us animators, sculptors, textile designers, analysts and film makers plan to do about exploring Ladakh, a part of the Tibetan plateau at the northern tip of India, 3500 metres above sea level. We're talking about a place opened to the general public by the Indian Govt only as recently as 1974,and since then has been documented only by explorers as an object of fascination,an ancient future. In the process the Ladakhi people have started making strong efforts to save their craft,save their tradition from ideas of modernization, save it from well, matchbox living spaces.

So we're going in with an animator who's worked on the content and art direction of Virgin Comics dealing with Indian mythology to come in and interact with the thangka artists of Ladakh, to explore with them and understand where they come from.You can see some of his work here: Abhishek.

We're going in with a textile designer to figure the original methods adopted by the Ladakhi people in weaving,and the unique design methods of this culture which was on one of the oldest trade routes connecting Central Asia to China centuries ago.
We're also going to try and capture the completely oral narrative forms and music in Ladakh with a group of film makers and a sound engineer.
And we're going in with analysts to study the sustainable means the Ladakhi people adopt to survive in such climes considering their only natural source of water is glacial meltings!
More on this one in a bit!
People who've been reading this blog,might remember me talking about this part of our country earlier. Well we're going there now :)
If you're interested on staying posted on this project mail me or leave a thought in the comment box.we need all the support we can get!!!


T said...

and i am going to learn to truly shut up and do yoga and see how slow the mountains move.

Milann Tress John said...

yes,and we will shoot you again doing that..

yossarian42 said...

yes please. I am interested in getting updates about this journey please..

T said...

or maybe the tables will be turned this time! muhaha

really but. there are stories coming out of my ears.

Divya Kumar said...

hello dahlin' I don't really have to ask but please keep wiring me.Do I have to tell you about support nw?

Milann Tress John said...

@intendo you'll laugh you head off when you see how informed I actually plan to keep you..lol. secret should be out in 3 days..a link will be sent. delete after viewing.over and out.

@ divya i shot.it is hilarious. stuck with certain overseas bank negotiations now.bloody 'ell.

@dramebaaz please.i've been begging you.i'd be honored to be the receptacle of the ear vermin.