Monday, June 30, 2008

here are some superbly blurred images of some super work.
see...the macbook pro and it's camera have been made for slobs like me who can't get themselves to shuffle to get a scan,but can raise the book in front of it's screen for a few seconds as an ode to their visual trauma.yes.that i can do.
milann can lift book.

so this is a piece on cotton called 'bulls' by the artists bhupendra desai and d.m. shah,weaver's service centre,bombay.
according to the book 'the horns of the animals are delicately dye-painted with a brush,but their bodies are established as a flat wash by dabbing with a dye-soaked cloth.although the figures differ in shape.the half-tone penumbra that surrounds each is remarkable for its controlled depth and uniformity.'

ok ok so i'll get a scan and put it up.

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