Wednesday, October 6, 2010

'The ultimate in imprecision, to draw a pretty picture and ask for its realization in musical terms - translation from one art to another   -  an exercise, a skill that has not been invented - like asking someone to jump out of the window and fly, a skill that has not been invented either.' 
'... communicate.. not only statistics but.. shades of meaning... expressive intentions from one person to another... although as in love letters, cannot be completely successful.'

Saturday, May 29, 2010

mumbaiya buddhist film making

In mumbai, we tend to formalise our dreams into little blocks of white wood. Because there are so many of us, and so little time, and there is so little money to fund individual thought. There are no grants here to delve into the ancient history of the door knobs in middle eastern india. When you choose to research,an article, an object, a person, you are on your own, .. till someone selling something finds it fitting their classified ad on tv,the internet or in a paper. There are no peope as guides. There is an invisible government.
Following a thought is quite like following the ways of the meditating on this 'thing' that nobody else can see, but in the course of flailing blindly through, you end up finding yourself charged with energy to go on living in a world whose newspapers read like the way they do these days.
Being a film maker, this drill of starting an idea off and then seeing it to its realisation has grown to be a habit..but then there are others, others around me who I have observed, passionate people, striving to join the dots and discovering every time that if in India, in this hopeful, buzzing country, where everything is possible if you just find out who the people are, when you finally see all the dots needed to get a thought from conception to its natural death, you find also that you will need to make those dots yourself. From scratch. And hope not to forget the whole picture in the meantime.

Friday, April 16, 2010

erm... so here's the story, I had a fantastic time helping in the curation of I.DoT, an exhibition of design at the Italian embassy.

but I got free from there and immediately rushed to Rajashthan for a shoot.

so that story isn't coming out just yet.

I'm plugging you into the Rajasthan visual trip for now here, I will regurgitate my heavier shoot edits of the exhibition as we go along.

in the meantime, I do not know how time is flying

Friday, January 29, 2010

i have taken up heavy duty regurgitation of all things offline, I mean the films, art, music,people and books(the ones you can hold in your hand and smell,yes) I am currently scouring through on my other think pad, all this while focussing on my writing for a bunch of projects which have been jumping in the air for my attention for quite some time now..which include a string of almost finished films..
so I'll be there for a bit,on the other page,writing,and doing some pattern making,joining the dots,doing all the stuff that makes the hands grimy,so to speak, and I'd be kicked if you joined in the mad merrymaking if you so feel inclined.

the state of mind shares this