Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i don't like RSS feeds.i will never have them attached.i will type addresses in the navigation bar.and press enter.


Anonymous said...

Common Grow Up!! but this makes you less lazy and remember what you surf

Milann Tress John said...

i like snail mail.i don't like forwards.i like it when people leave me notes in their handwriting.if i need to find something,i will find a way of finding it again.i prefer doing mental maths to using a calculator.i used to love rewinding audio tapes.i get sick of music faster on a computer.i don't like RSS feeds.

Anonymous said...

Then why own a MAC :)(no offenses )
good to see people are so defensive of dependency on machines :)...

Milann Tress John said...

no offense taken.the MAC runs on a UNIX operating system.i can recode the programs to work as i want.i did some coding before i got my degree in engineering.i like the idea that i could fool around with it any time.more importantly my MAC lets me edit my films anywhere.i am not anti technology.i just like keeping the challenge to my mental faculties on.

Anonymous said...

hehe... watch Wall-E similar to your thought :)