Wednesday, May 28, 2008

ok i don't do this usually but this woman makes me want to do water colours all over what's stopping me?well I've not figured the right time to go about the kind of thing at my new abode yet...i mean,it has to be the right kind of light,i need a window...and possibly evening sunlight streaming through it for me to get started with anything..and of course no one around,some 4:30 pm kind of music,some aqua colours in the environment...
ok at least for the first time through the drill.....

about eva,i don't know what it is about her....i mean inspite of the aesthetically depressing template fashion photographs i've been able to lay my hands on,she's one of those characters reeking of a story.she'd fit.and i could write it.
and colours just fall on they've been dabbed into place,you get what i mean?
there's a presence here.

oh and look while i'm driveling on about her..i come across poor old Mallarmé complaining..."nulle enseigne ne vous régale du spectacle intérieur,car il n'est pas maintenant un peintre capable d'en donner une ombre triste."
....reading 'nowhere is there a chance to enjoy the spectacle of the inner world,for there is no painter today capable of showing even a poor shadow of it'..
Mallarmé needed to fall in love.good god.


soleslide said...

If God was ever stingy with the creative stuff he was supposed to put into people then I am living proof of it. Or maybe he just wanted me to look harder than I have :)

And Eva Green is pretty much near the top of my list too. At the pinnacle is Monica Bellucci. Timeless.....

Milann Tress John said...

oi there!
about the creativity,you're right about a blank space meaning you haven't been looking hard enough.
get the shovel out.dig dig.
see you around!