Thursday, May 15, 2008


To kick off this new found energy i've raked up from somewhere to share whatever i'm reading up on currently,here goes....
the first post obviously goes out as an ode to my self ordained research on Godard,though catching it like this mid action,one foot hovering in the air might make it a shaky start,but what the hell! I quote Fritz Lang,from 'Contempt'/'Le Mépris'(Godard,1963) 'You must always finish what you have started'.
yea so I've been catching myself haemorrhaging in glee at the simplest sentences again.......
I went through serge daney's essay on godard and godardian pedagogy,he's an old critic,been there when the pack was around writing for the cahiers du cinéma in '64..
here's the translation of it.

was completely or maybe partly disillusioned by the technical manner in which godard's films were broken down, hell,i was pissed off.mercenary.i mean,have a look at this little nugget i found from
'Nouvelle Vague' (Godard,1990)

look at the bloody skill,the subtlety with which those positives are made negative...the track throbbing forward with the waves,the repetition,the exquisite sound design. did you see the placement of the lamps in all the segments?for those of you who went through the article,if this form of film making is school ,then hell i'm loving school! and i believe if anything,the students of this school are encouraged,kicked offa their royal behinds to think,ask questions,get up and yell for what they feel for,goddammit,.. it's a save from the sink into the intellectual hogwash waiting around the corner.
and no .godard hasn't stopped questioning things either,the monotone voice is stating the questions because they've been run over so much,the only place the questions have is in a declarative sentence.
so in his assembly line analysis of the post '68 films where is daney speaking from,what's the pulpit?
or he just dry?

got me thinking of the fakirs and how they've possibly figured it all out..with their philosophy of marfat,I mean...of seeing the sameness in the differences,seeing the differences in the sameness and coming out of it knowing that these differences need to be maintained so things move in the cycle they're meant to move in.
why am i bringing up the fakirs when i'm talking about godard,coz it's all the same, see?

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